
How does Net Neutrality Play a Part for India's Product Ecosystem?


If You are connected to the Internet, Social Media or any form of media, you must have heard about Net Neutrality and the protests that are going on. While it feels like iSPiRT hadn’t officially made any announcements on the same, quite a few of us have been working behind the scenes to ensure that our voice is heard and that TRAI takes the next steps regarding the Internet in India. A bit...

Inflexion – Technology Summit: An evening of insights and observations


I was invited to “Inflexion” an event organized by Signal Hill and iSPIRT. The duo have in the past co-created the report on Technology M&A in India (link) which was very educational, so my interest was piqued and decided to go. The evening was started by Scott Wieler, Chairman & CEO Signal Hill. He mentioned that $6.9Bn of VC/PE money has been invested in India in last four years (2011...

Platform Roundtable in Bangalore on “Global Platform businesses – Are Indian companies poised to win?” by Dr. Peter Evans, Vice President and Sangeet Paul Choudary of Center for Global Enterprise


iSPIRT – co-hosted the first Platform Roundtable to prime the discussion on Indian platform companies’ game plan for potential business disruption that platform companies bring to a sector. It was held on 12th March at the office of InMobi, Bangalore. The Roundtable was anchored by Dr. Peter Evans, Vice President at CGE and Sangeet Paul Choudary, a CGE Fellow and founder of Platform Thinking Labs...

Why are the benefits of technology scarce among those who need it most?


We live in a modern world – modern in thinking and modern in capabilities. Our scientists and engineers and technologists empower us with the future, in the present. The technologies they develop solve problems we didn’t even know existed. As individuals we aspire to stay apace with these ever advancing innovations. With its ubiquity in our everyday lives technology comprehensively occupies and...

Slumming in San Francisco


This blog is written for newbies, entertaining strong thoughts on Entrepreneurship, trying to pin point an idea and figuring out the various business models. Let me start with “why”; Indian start-up scene is blooming with lot of money pouring into it from all across the world and there is immense focus on technology products; however, dig a little deeper, a clear distinction amongst the products...

Access to the most vital funds for early stage startups


Angel funds are the most vital funds for any startup. It does not only help in validating the idea and prevents the early startup death, but also brings in the valuable mentoring to the table. Having the first right angel investor to back you in your startup journey sets the tone for more investments to come for the startup’s growth. At the high-risk stage (early stage), angel investors on board...

Innovation Is Saying No To Thousand Things


At ShimBi Labs, simplicity is the biggest motivation for us, and it reflects in our people, office and our products too. I developed the appreciation for simplicity from Steve Jobs and the product he created at Apple. Simplicity works because the world is so complicated, and when you do something simple, it stands out. People need a good product with advanced capabilities and high usability, but...

Great Tech Rocketships (GTRS) to the UK – a UKTI, Tech Hub UK and iSPIRT initiative


Great Tech Rocketships to the UK is an initiative by UKTI to assist companies from India that would like to do business in, with or from the UK. (UKTI, or UK Trade & Investment, is a UK Government department whose mandate is to assist UK based businesses in their overseas expansion, and also encourage the best overseas companies to look to the UK as their global partner of choice.) UKTI chose...

RBI Governor Dr. Raghuram Rajan meets Product Startups.


He is a maverick, a reformer, a decision maker and above all the Governor of Reserve Bank of India. The country’s foremost authority in Economics met with Product startups in Bangalore to understand their challenges and also provide useful advise by participating in interactive sessions for close to 3 hours. Yesterday, at ITC Windsor Manor, Dr Raghuram Rajan, honorable governor of RBI...

‘Finding’ Innovation

In a highly competitive market, and one where market dynamics are changing faster than ever, innovation is the key to long-term sustainability and success. History has proven that companies that have a culture that encourages innovation stand a far better chance at sustaining their leadership position or emerging as market leaders. Harvey Firestone, an American businessman, and the founder of...