It is safe to say that Tally is the grand daddy of all Indian Software Products, the only company to have discovered the holy grail of selling software to Indian small businesses at scale. So when one of the key architects of the Tally sales network, Deepak Prakash (Tally employee #3) came down to Mumbai to do a iSPIRT Roundtable, there was little chance I would miss this. And Deepak Prakash did...
The best things are simple. Is your messaging there yet? : from #PlaybookRT
The most crucial lessons come from looking at the mistakes: those that we make and those that we spot others making. A thought might get triggered by listening to great dreamers like Steve Jobs. But the termination, in terms of realization, implementation and imbibing the essence comes only when you have walked through that journey and declared a new start. Shankar, who imagined and steered the...
Roles and Responsibilities of Startup Founders.
This is the 2nd in the 5 part series on ‘How to Sell in the US Market from India’. I had attended the Round Table organized by iSPIRT and here I attempt to capture the important points from the discussion. (You can read the first part here) One of the topics of deep interest for the participant was on clearly understanding the role of the Startup Founders and where should their time and focus be...
Nuts and Bolts of Selling to the US from India for First Timers : Part 1
The 42nd iSPIRT RoundTable (RT) focused on an enormously interesting subject of ‘Nuts and Bolts of Selling to the US from India for First Timers‘. The session was meant for startups focusing on SaaS products (mostly in the B2B space) but the learning can be applied to any startup targeting the US market. This is the first in a 5 part series that captures the important learning from...
40th #PlayBookRT in NCR on "Break the Barriers of Selling" by Deepak Prakash
iSPIRT kicked off its first roundtable for 2015 on 17th January at the office of Eko India, Gurgaon. The PlaybookRT was led by Deepak Prakash, Former VP of Sales at Tally Solutions. He has led building the entire sales network bottoms up and was the #1 sales person at Tally. Under him, Tally evolved from direct selling to single-tier home grown network for dominance and further evolved into a two...
Why "No other product like yours" is not cause for celebration. #PlaybookRT
On Saturday, December 6, 2014, founders, CEO’s and others from startups based in and around Mumbai met at the office of WebEngage. We were there for the iSPIRT PlaybookRT on Positioning and Messaging by Shankar Maruwada. Below are my notes and thoughts about the event… Identifying and defining your customers Shankar emphasized that the process of developing a positioning and messaging strategy...
8 Powerful Things I learned about “Positioning your Startup” at the iSPIRT #PlaybookRT
As a founder or technologist mired in the day-to-day tasks of product building, it’s easy to get drawn into thinking of your product as a collection of features. But do customers also see our products as a stack of features? Or do they see products as a sum of the solutions that they offer? How do we best translate our offerings into a simple and sticky pitch that piques our customers’ curiosity...
Nuts and Bolts of Marketing & selling SaaS products to US customers from India for First Timers
In innumerable brainstorming and “gyan” sessions with friends, mentors and experts, one of the most stressed focus area is getting product market fit as soon as possible and then follow it up with scaling sales. I think most early to mid stage entrepreneurs are instinctively aware of this but struggling with “Hows”. So when I saw this playbook promising precisely to explain how, I grabbed a...
Product Management Roundtable For Startups by iSPIRT In Pune. #PlaybookRT
After all the missed opportunities of being at a PlaybookRT by iSPIRT, I finally made it to Pune last weekend for the roundtable on Product Management. Amit Somani and Rahul Kulkarni conducted the session. While I can’t do justice to all that was discussed at the session, I am translating my notes from the Roundtable into this blog post. After sharing some of our product dev insights in my last...
How to Structure Sales and Marketing in a SaaS Business
The discussions continued post-lunch in the Playbook Roundtable led by Girish Mathrubootham, CEO and founder of Freshdesk, organized at the Freshdesk office in Chennai. During the extended session, Girish outlined the sales and marketing structure in a SaaS business. While this may be only taken as a pointer to setting up the sales and marketing teams, each business owner needs to focus on the...