Innovate Delhi Entrepreneurship Academy: Apply to the June 2014 class.

One of iSPIRT ProductNation central goals is to build a vibrant ecosystem for the next generation of Indian software product statups. That is why we are so excited to partner with Innovate Delhi Entrepreneurship Academy.  The three-week long academy, which takes place in June, works with aspiring entrepreneurs to hone their skills in innovation, team-building, and strategy. Complementing the great one or two day startup events that seem to take place nearly every weekend in India, Innovate Delhi offers a more comprehensive and in depth experience.  Members of the June 2014 class will have the chance to learn cutting edge design and business frameworks, hear from successful entrepreneurs, build long-lasting relationships and perhaps even meet a co-founder and secure some initial seed funding!

You can apply to the program at  Applications are due by February 1st.  More information about Innovate Delhi can be found below and at their website

What is Innovate Delhi?

A three-week academy for aspiring entrepreneurs to be held on the campus of Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology – Delhi from June 1 to June 22, 2014. Innovate Delhi is funded by grants from Stanford University’s SEED institute and IIITD. During the three-week academy, participants will learn from professors (from Stanford GSB and IIITD), entrepreneurs, and industry experts about design thinking, marketing and branding, competitive strategy, venture design and leadership. Each week, participants will complete a project with three of their peers that will help them learn how to identify market opportunities, iterate on product ideas, and effectively start and grow their own companies. Teams with the best projects can win big prizes—over the three-week program Innovate Delhi will be giving away prizes totaling 4 lakh Rupees to help participants fund their startup.

Why apply Innovate Delhi?

Three simple reasons: 1) Learn the latest startup frameworks from professors, entrepreneurs and experts; 2) the chance to meet startups that will be recruiting great talent; and 3) a chance to win 4 lakh Rupees in prizes that will help you turn your vision into a startup.

Who should apply?

We look for men and women who are smart, creative, and passionate about changing people’s lives by creating innovative products and services. There are are only three formal criteria for applying. You should be: 1) fluent in written and spoken English, 2) be 18 years or older, and 3) own a laptop that can run Google Chrome and connect to wi-fi.  This year, Innovate Delhi will be accepting 300 applicants.  We expect to receive many more applications than there are spots available, so apply early at Applications are due by February 1st, 2014.

When and where will it be held?  Innovate Delhi will be held from June 1-22, 2014 at the campus of IIIT-D in the Okhla neighborhood of New Delhi. Housing will be available on campus.

How much does it cost?

With funding from Stanford’s SEED Institute and IIIT-D, the only cost will be a small materials and technology charge totaling Rs. 3,000 and for students staying on campus, there will be a Rs 11,000 room and board fee. You can apply to the program at  Applications are due by February 1st.

About the author

Avinash Raghava